Charles W. Gates is the retired Director of Aviation-Finance and Administration for the City of Austin, TX. In his capacity as Director he was responsible for the development, operation, finance and administration of facilities and people at Austin-Bergstrom Int’l Airport. During his tenure at the airport he directed a staff of 100+ employees.
Mr. Gates currently owns and operates Gates Aviation Consulting Service providing management and financial services to a number of clients. He is a graduate of the University of Dayton with a B.S. in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting.
He was actively involved in Airports Council int’l serving on the Board of Directors, American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), Airport Minority Advisory Council (AMAC), National Forum of Black Public Administrators and served on the Board of Directors of the Austin Urban League. Mr. Gates was the recipient of the AMAC National Achievers Award, AME Church 10th District “Man of the Year”, Sire Archon Gamma Gamma Boule’ and many other awards.